How it Works?

Register a business name in just 3 simple steps, it doesn't get easier than this!

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Step 1: Complete our Online Application

  • Check the availability of your company name using our free business name search tool.
  • Complete at your own pace.
  • Save your application at any time.
  • No documents or paperwork needed.
  • Online chat support offered at every stage.

Step 2: Lodge your Application

  • Review all the details you have entered.
  • Complete a payment using Visa, Mastercard or AMEX, and submit your application.
  • Your company application will be submitted to ASIC electronically.
  • Receive an email confirmation of your submission.

Step 3: Receive your Business Name Certificate within 48 hours

  • Business Name Certificate will be delivered via email (PDF).
  • If you apply for an ABN (additional $49) you will receive via email it within 1 hour during business hours.
  • If you ordered any domain names they will be registered immediately.

Also available with all Business Name Registration:

It's that simple.

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